
As the bustling business hub of the central coast, Campbell River is the third largest city on Vancouver Island. Our community offers an accessible location, abundant natural resources, a skilled labour force, and world-class transportation and communications networks. If you are dreaming of starting a business, or have an existing enterprise that you’d like to move or grow: Campbell River is the ideal Pacific Northwest community in which to set up shop.

Business resources

Navigating the plethora of information found on the web regarding business can be overwhelming. Economic Development has curated a list of resources that are current and helpful at any stage of business.


Cooperatives first

Small business BC

Export Navigator

Small business BC     Resources for Indigenous Entrepreneurs

Community Futures Strathcona

CAMPBELL RIVER & District Chamber of Commerce


Business Tools

Economic Development works with many organizations locally and throughout the province to offer assistance, discounts, memberships, brand licenses and certifications to businesses that hold a valid business license within the City of Campbell River.

Island Good Brand Licensing

Strathcona Collective coop advertising



Campbell River's Modern Entrepreneur at the 50th Parallel is a space of innovation, conversation, and enrichment for today’s entrepreneur. It provides access to podcasts, professional development resources, and insight on current trends and technologies designed to support business owners.

Start Up

Disrupt industries, change the world—and do it all at scale here in Campbell River. Develop your unique product or service and bring it to market with the support, technology, and professional resources our community can provide.

TECH Innovation support

Innovative technologies build resilience with the future in mind. The following resources and programs can help you craft a long-term vision for your tech start-up, architect the right solutions for your next project, and launch your innovative venture through a range of supports.

Workforce Resources

Are you a business owner searching for advice about recruiting and retaining staff? An entrepreneur or worker who wants to up your game with professional development opportunities? A job seeker on the hunt for training and employment opportunities? Our list of resources puts a wealth of information at your fingertips to get your search started.